
The goal of Yoga.

Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodhah   “The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is yoga. ” The Yoga Sutras of Patangali

Class Schedule-all classes are online 

scroll down for class descriptions

To register for classes click on the link below. It will bring you to Fitli where you can register for and pay for classes.  Questions? Email Cindy at

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9:15-10:00am Meditation

10:30-11:30am Senior Yoga

4:30-5:45pm Osteoporosis Yoga


8-9:15am All levels Yoga


8-9:15am Gentle Yoga


9:30-10:30 Senior Yoga


9:00-10:15am  Osteoporosis Yoga


Two hour,  long, luxurious classes are held periodically.

Class descriptions:

Beginners Yoga Class-Cindy Brown

A gentle class for students who are brand new to yoga. Stay tuned for new class time. Email Cindy if interested in a beginner class.

Senior Yoga –  Cindy Brown

Senior Yoga is a class specifically designed for students who are over 60 and who are interested in working with and maintaining balance, flexibility and strength as well as gaining all the benefits of yoga through pranayama and deep healing practices. This is not a chair yoga class. (Chair yoga is offered on Tuesdays at 11am). In this class the students will be using mats and will be getting up and down from the floor. The class is gentle and modifiable and Cindy encourages her students to go at their own pace and honor themselves in their individual process.

 Meditation – Cindy Brown

Meditation can be a life altering and very powerful practice. Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned meditator come share this wonderful practice. Cindy will provide instruction, guidance and some gentle meditative preparatory exercises when desired. There will be time allowed for discussion and sharing at each class. We are all explorers on the meditative path and can learn a great deal from each other.

All Level classes with Cindy Brown

Cindy’s  “All Level” yoga classes are slow, deep and meditative with the goal of increased awareness and peace. She accommodates all levels in her classes and encourages her students to honor themselves in their individual process. Cindy works with each individual student to experience their yoga. By  offering challenging postures with less challenging options each student lets go of comparing to others and is able to deepen their experience without hurting or over stretching their bodies.

Osteoporosis Yoga

Cindy Brown leads weekly Classes, Workshops and Retreats for Osteoporosis. For all information about these classes visit her Osteoporosis Yoga site:

Gentle – Cindy Brown

This is a class specifically designed for students of all levels who want a gentle class. Like all Cindy’s classes, this class is slow, deep and meditative with the goal of increased awareness and peace.

Private Yoga classes with Cindy Brown: Cindy will lead private yoga sessions for students who want to learn how to adapt postures, correct alignment or deepen their practice. Email if interested.

Private Therapeutic Yoga Sessions with Cindy Brown- Cindy brings her many years as a psychotherapist and her deep understanding of the healing nature of yoga to provide a unique healing practice for individual students. Email Cindy for details.


Cindy Brown and her husband Richard Davis lead restorative and Osteoporosis Retreats annually. See the Retreats page to learn about the Upcoming Osteoporosis Retreat and the next Restorative Retreat.

email Cindy Brown for information on all classes